For the Botanical Gardeners this is the summer of the Italian Garden – specialist advisers have visited, inspected and commented in some detail. Armed with their advice and with new volunteers to join the regular working party our June work day turned into something rather special. We began clearing shrubs overgrown and long past their best and now thoroughly tangled with ivy and bramble. We soon uncovered stonework – some identifiable as pieces of the nearby seat and wall decorations and some the original rockery. With a big group, good weather and a goal in sight we set to with a will and cleared the beds on both sides of the steps down to the lawn. Lots more to do of course, but now we know what the rockery looks like we can begin to create planting plans.
Another step closer to Maria Homeyard’s original vision for the gardens and just maybe to the Heritage Lottery Grant which has consumed the time and energies of so many people for so long – fingers crossed still.
Our next work day is on Tuesday July 8th at 10.30 am or 5.00 – 8.00 pm, do join us.



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