Our Blog
Welcome to the blog of the Friends of Homeyards Botanical Gardens in Shaldon
The committee of the Friends hopes to use the Blog to communicate with members of the Friends and others interested in the Gardens or in Shaldon generally. The Blog will include information about Homeyards, our plans for development of the gardens, and the progress we...
Stoke History Group Talk
A talk about the history of Homeyards Botanical Gardens to be held at Stokeinteignhead Village Hall Thursday 20th March at 7.30 pm Entry fee £5 Copies of the Homeyards book available for £10 For more information email info@shaldonbotanicalgardens.org
Be A Friend
To our much appreciated Friends - It’s that time of year again when we ask for your annual subscription to the Friends of Homeyards Botanical Gardens in Shaldon. We’ve decided not to provide the usual form in the Parish News this year to save on costs. A copy of the...
Seasons Greetings
We would like to wish all our members and supporters a Happy Christmas and all best wishes for the New Year in 2025. We hope you have a pleasant break. We are so grateful to you all for your continued support. Since we last wrote we have added a group of hebe...
Autumn Planting
Autumn planting is underway in the gardens. Our lovely young birch trees have been joined by their new companion hebes. The school children did a brilliant job watering them in. Thank you! Others planted bulbs and small plants in our old stone planters which have...
Print Your Own Garden Workshop
The Friends were very pleased to provide 3 interesting and enjoyable arty workshops on 30th October 2024. Our lovely local artist Monica gave families clear instruction and guidance enabling them to create stunning printing paint designs using twigs, leaves, pine...
Half Term Activity
Half Term Activity Idea in the Gardens. Pick up your leaflet from the Gardeners Hut, the Castle or Ropewalk Gate. We’re looking forward to seeing photos of what you can find and make 🍁🌿 Have fun! Hunt for colourful leaves, twigs, pine cones, bunches of...
Print Your Own Garden – Autumn Event
Print Your Own Garden Free Family Workshop Shaldon Botanical Gardens, in the Castle Wednesday 30th October 10 - 11.30 ; 12.30 - 2 ; 3 - 4.30 Join artist Monica-Shanta this half-term for a nature-based printmaking workshop. Forage for materials from the gardens and...
Happy Bees
Happy bees enjoying our cosmos in the Burma Star garden on our volunteer day this week.
Ruby has been instructed in pond etiquette!
Our new dog signs have arrived and Ruby is learning her pond etiquette. To prevent damage to our water-life please don't let your dog go into the pond.