Our Blog
Joe Guest
We are sorry to hear of the death of Joe Guest, one of the founders of The Friends when it was first set up back in January 1989. He'd always taken a keen interest in the Gardens and though unable to walk there in recent years kept an eye out from his Broadlands home.
Many Hands Make Light Work
In spite of a dire weather forecast Shaldon School decided to go for it. Armed with macs 28 Year 6 pupils made their way to the Italian Garden area of Homeyard's Botanical Gardens. There they split in three groups. Along with a few supportive adults, teams worked on...
School work day on June 15th
A reminder that on Wednesday 15th June Shaldon School are sending a team of about 30 to work on the Italian Garden area. (Note the date in the Parish Newsletter - Friday 17th - is wrong, the event was rescheduled after the newsletter went to press). Normally we'd be...
Renovation work update (3)
Monday 16th May - the new retaining wall behind the castle is beginning to take shape.
Renovation work update (2)
April 12th - rebuilding the wall behind the castle is being hampered by the roots left from the trees which were felled a while ago. The digger is up above the castle trying to get the roots out.
Renovation work update
April 5th - scaffolding is now in place around the castle. The two water tanks at the back of the castle are being removed to give access to the wall behind.
Renovation work starts
March 22nd - At last, work to rebuild the retaining wall next to the castle has started. This is the first stage before the castle itself can be renovated. The hedge at the Horse Lane entrance is being removed to make room for the contractor's equipment to be stored,...
Easter Fun
Thank you to everyone who braved the chilly weather to join in the Easter fun and games in the Gardens. Thank you too to our helpers, Artstorm for the craft workshop, and Morrisons and Tesco for the eggs.