Our Blog
Walk and Talk – August 14th
Walk and talk round the gardens, Wednesday 14th August, 2.30pm. Starts at the Castle, walk takes an hour or so, followed by tea at the Castle. Some uneven paths and steps. Bus no. 22 stops close to the gardens. Two disabled parking spaces available, accessed...
Coffee at the Castle – reminder
Just a reminder that we are doing teas and coffees at the Castle Tuesday to Friday, 10.30 - 12.30 weather permitting.
Coffee at the Castle – now open
We are pleased to say that the castle is now ready to open for visitors’ tea and coffee etc. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10.30 - 12.30, weather permitting.
Castle Open Mornings Postponed
The Friends are sorry to have to report that the spring cleaning spruce up of the castle folly has been delayed and we will not be able to safely serve visitors this week as planned. We will update as soon as possible when our friendly volunteers will be able to open...
Coffee at the Castle
The castle has now been spruced up enabling the volunteers to OPEN THE CASTLE for visitors' tea and coffee etc. again from 28th May on the mornings of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, weather permitting. 10.30-12-30.
Plant Sale – Sunday 19th May
Plant Sale in aid of the Gardens at the Big Garage Sale Sunday 19th May, 11am - 4pm 'Glenside', Ringmore Road, TQ14 0EP
Children’s Spring Event pics
The weather forecast sent us indoors for our Spring holiday event this year. Over 100 children had a busy afternoon craft making, stick whittling, bracelet making, finding out about butterflies and meeting the animals. We had James Hedge’s craft making, Dan Rees ‘No...
Children’s Spring Event
Children's Spring Event Due to the poor weather forecast this event will now be in St Peter's Church Wednesday 10th April 2 - 5 pm Homeyards Botanical Gardens TQ14 0BH Free entry and activities (donations welcome) Art Storm Craft Tables Animal Encounters (Chris...
AGM 2024
Our 9th Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 7.30pm in The Hub, Middle Street. We look forward to seeing all our current members and welcoming new members. Any member wishing to propose a resolution or raise an issue at the AGM is...