Our Blog
Devon Loves Dogs
A great little ‘Coffee Stop at the Castle’ in Homeyards Botanical Gardens on Tuesday, with Devon Loves Dogs. Around thirty-five visitors including dog walkers and families came along and enjoyed a chat with Chrissie (TDC Green Spaces Projects Officer), Julie Owen...
Hallowe’en pics
Some pics of the Castle getting ready for our Hallowe'en event.
Hallowe’en in the Gardens – Saturday 27th October
Scary goings-on in the Gardens, Saturday 27th October, 5-7 pm. Free event.
Update on tree work
(Taken from our column in the Shaldon Parish News, September edition) Next time you go to the Gardens you might observe that some tree works have been undertaken. Thank goodness the ash near the pond was taken down, it was rotten to the core. Nearby a young evergreen...
Gardens Slideshow
Teignmouth artist Dorothy Dawson has created a lovely slideshow of her pictures of the Gardens taken this August. Watch it here : youtu.be/ixoyHgvGPwo Watch out for the green/black striped dragonfly and the electric blue damselfly. Also the furry White Ermine moth...
Homeyards historical data gathering
At the end of May the Friends held a historical data gathering event in the Castle. The residents of the 54 houses built by Maria Homeyard during the 1920’s and 30’s were invited to get together and share old photos and material from their deeds. The aim was to get a...
Shaldon Garage Sale Trail
The weekend of 12th May saw the inaugural Village Garage Sale Trail - about 40 households took part and it proved extremely popular with buyers and sellers alike. Not only were The Friends of Homeyards one of the beneficiaries of the Trail but we ran a stall of our...
Easter Fun pics
In a sea of wet days, we had a dry one for our first Easter event for families since the restoration of the Castle and we made the most of it. We were delighted to welcome a very good mix of ages to enjoy crafts, games, hunting, seed sowing and Bridget’s special...
Easter Fun in the Gardens – Thursday 5th April
Easter Fun in the Gardens, Thursday 5th April, 10 am to 12 noon. Everyone welcome. As always it will be free to all - everyone welcome. We wish to acknowledge the generous support of Teignbridge Green Spaces and also Wyevale Garden Centre and Morrisons Stores. This...