Italian Garden Workshop

On Wednesday September 6th we held a workshop to study the Italianate style of gardens in England. A group of Friends, volunteers and professional gardeners indulged in a day of plant talking, planning and delicious cake. Skilfully led by Simon Bonvoisin and Barbara...

Castle Re-opening Ceremony

Everyone is welcome at the Castle Re-opening Ceremony on Friday 15th September at 2 pm. There will be a drama re-enactment by Shaldon School followed by a cream tea. Dress with a nod to the 1920s.

Clearing the Pond Path

A few pictures of the Tuesday morning volunteers clearing the Pond Path – the continuation of the rhododendron bed running from the pond up towards new car park.

Clearing the Rope Walk Steps

Our gardener and his young assistant are taking in hand the Rope Walk, the pathway that rises from Broadlands up besides the allotments to the gardens. Gary and Charlie would be most grateful for donations of shrubs and plants for this area. We are assured that...

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