Get Involved

Do you think you could make a contribution to the Friends? We are always delighted to see new faces and you could perhaps volunteer to become involved:
- Help out at the successful Easter and Halloween events as well as our occasional theatrical and musical fundraisers.
- Grow a few cuttings for the gardens or to be sold at plant sales.
- Use your media talents to contribute to our online presence.
- Join the committee to help with decision making.
- We serve teas, coffees and refreshments at the castle during the warmer months. The more helpers the better as we are able to open more often, this contributes hugely to our funds.
- You could perhaps help with occasional ‘walks & talks’ around the gardens, letting people know about the plants and the history.
- You don’t need to be a horticultural expert to become a gardening volunteer. This currently takes place on Tuesday mornings, meeting from 10am at the Gardeners Hut. Join for as little or as long as you feel able, we try to make jobs match each volunteers’ level of experience and skill. Current work involves ongoing clearance of large and outgrown plants and new plantings in specific areas. Wear suitable clothing, strong sturdy boots and bring gardening gloves.
The Friends have adopted a Safeguarding Policy a link to which can be seen below.
If you’d like to get involved please contact us for further details

The Friends have funded and planted up an area of rhododendron shrubs, the pond and rill area, undertaken a refurbishment of the lower woodland area, planted a row of Hawthorn trees and most recently provided new colourful planting to the bank leading up from the pond.
Nice day at the gardens today. Planted some trees and met some lovely people. Looking forward to the next session later this month.