End of year update

The leaves have fallen and the trees are yielding up the estuary and sea views from the gardens in the low sun. We held a well attended Autumn event for children in the gardens based around the castle at the end of October. James and Jess Hedge ran a very popular...

Winter in the Gardens

A few pics from January’s work day. First snowdrops on the Italian rockeries What is this Yucca-leaved Beschorneria doing in flower!? Charlie clearing leaves out of the...

Extra Work Days, November 21st and 23rd

We will soon take delivery of hundreds of plants for the Italian Garden rockeries and we have scheduled Tuesday 21st November for planting them out. If anyone can spare a few hours to come and help it would wonderful. If you are able to assist then bring a packed...

Clearing the Pond Path

A few pictures of the Tuesday morning volunteers clearing the Pond Path – the continuation of the rhododendron bed running from the pond up towards new car park.

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