There has been a flurry of spring activity in the Gardens. The Castle has been transformed. With the graffiti cleaned, the overgrown conifers removed, stone paving revealed and turf laid; some village volunteers tidied and swept inside. Though a new roof and views over Lyme Bay would be ideal, it is progress, and gives some idea of how it would have looked when Mrs Homeyard took tea there. Teignbridge arranged for contractors to completely remove a number of the shrubs that were well past their ‘sell by’ date opening up some forgotten views.

The three information boards you can now see at entrances to the Gardens and the leaflets that are available at local tourist offices have been a joint effort between The Friends and Teignbridge District Council

Work on the Pond and Rill system should begin this summer. The leaking pond will have to be repaired and then experiments conducted to see how far the water can be pumped up the Rill without emptying the pond entirely! Unfortunately the water supply that used to feed the system in Mrs Homeyards’ day is no longer available and we will have to pay for a new connection to be installed from the pergola entrance. The £10,000 granted to The Friends from the Exeter Airport Fund should go a long way towards making this centrepiece an attraction again.

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