What do you do with a Liqufruta fortune? Shaldon Book
Well, Maria Homeyard completely
transformed Shaldon during the 1930s,
a story that hasn’t been told until now.
This 70 page A5 book will include historic
photographs, revealing documents and
other illustrations. By subscribing to the
book you will help to ensure its publication
and your name will be printed at the back
of the book. All funds raised from the sale
of the book will go directly to the Friends
of Shaldon Botanical Gardens.

To reserve your copy please complete the form below and send it with a cheque for £9.99 made out to Friends of Shaldon Botanical Gardens at:
Friends of Shaldon Botanical Gardens, 12 Dagmar Street, Shaldon, Devon TQ14 0DU. A receipt for your reserved copy will be sent.

or download the pdf  Homeyard Subscription Request

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