Homeyards Community Day

Tuesday 29th October, 11 am to 3 pm. Meet at the Gardener’s Hut in the Italian Garden.

Come and help get the gardens ready for winter. This event is suitable for adults and children alike. We will be doing various tasks around the gardens such as clearing footpaths and weeding, and sanding and repainting some of the benches.

We also need to sort out the Gardener’s Hut. This was once the village smithy and then a pigsty but since the 1970’s, when it was last used by gardeners, all manner of stonework and junk has accumulated.  Much of it can be removed to a skip but there are carved pieces that should be catalogued and made sense of.  Show Heritage Lottery Funders that Shaldon supports this project – ‘many hands make light work’!

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