Towards the end of winter we devoted a work session to cleaning out the planting pockets around the big pond, long impacted with reed, bramble, rose of sharon, honeysuckle etc. Every year we cut it down but this year the team took it out completely – probably the toughest assignment to date.

Armed with a generous £100 donation from the Water Carnival team, Lisa and Holly went to see the highly knowledgeable and very enthusiastic bunch of young men at Maidenhead Aquatics at Jack’s Patch. Between them they arrived at an excellent planting list , a very good deal, and lots of glorious aquatic and  marginal plants, now nestled around the pond edges and alongside the rill in special boggy planting areas. Lisa was planting the last ones just before Councillor Clarance was due to officially open the now fully restored rill garden.

Many thanks to our volunteers, the Water Carnival team and Maidenhead Aquatics – a great result.

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