
Following closely on the heels of the amazing 25th anniversary Shaldon Festival we bring you more glorious music – in the open air. Saturday July 19th is Italian Masquerade day. Beginning in afternoon FunkyJunk mask crafting and leaning towers of pizza 3.00 – 5.00 pm, just £1 each and a bit more for when the ice cream bicycle comes round.
Then from 7.30 pm the Masquerade begins. Come along with your own feast, comfy chair and blanket for later and we will treat you to an evening of musical delights. Local musician Mark Woodward will be playing mandolin based jazz and Italian melodies, newcomer to the village tenor Matt Wilding will be entertaining us with popular arias and our own Singalong Shaldon are extending their repertoire especially for us. This village certainly knows how to enjoy its music. Tickets from the Newsagents or Post Office, £10 each, under 14s £5.

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