Friday 15th September – heavy overnight rain and a doubtful forecast very nearly caused the ceremonial opening of the restored castle to take place not in the gardens at all but in church. But, we held our nerve, stuck to plan and didn’t get (very) wet.

Inside the castle a great exhibition came from our local school. Lots and lots of amazingly inventive vegetable animals and tray gardens were displayed alongside some of the photographic images created during their workshops with Colin Lizius to document the restoration.

On the lawns in front of the castle local actors young and older gave a vivid presentation of the story of Maria Homeyards creation of the gardens and neighbouring houses. Mingling with the local supporters in the audience were invited guests representing our lottery fund partners and the Homeyards family. As the play reached its conclusion actors and guests toasted ‘Liqufruta’ and the specially commissioned flag was hoisted aloft. The afternoon was rounded off in style with a delicious Devon cream tea – just as Mrs Homeyards originally intended.

We were delighted to welcome all who came to take part in this special occasion and our particular thanks go to Leon Winston, Roger Kirk, Janet Gordge and Bridget Arnold.

With the restoration of Homeyards now well into its stride it is time to acknowledge the debt of gratitude we owe to Jane Nicholls and Chrissie Drew of Teignbridge Green Spaces who helped to win the Lottery Grant for us and held everything together, and to the Heritage Lottery Fund team and Viridor for their financial guidance and generous support. Also to Lisa Pash who inspired the Friends with her initial concept and has worked tirelessly to bring it to fulfilment. And is even now thinking ahead …

Many more pictures after the jump …

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