It’s been a lovely busy summer in the gardens with many visitors, artists and well-being groups and activities such as Pilates taking place.

The Parish Council have kindly taken over the upgrading of the signage leading to the gardens from various points in the village using the survey carried out by John. Despite six entrances the gardens remain quite a hidden gem and can be tricky to locate.

Volunteer gardening continues with quite a lot of clearing out of overgrowth above the pond and creating the new no dig spring shrub and tree bed . We hope to get some improved wild flowers into the insect friendly area and more colour giving shrubs during the autumn.
We’ve added a donated second water butt at the gardeners hut and are thankful to Norman who has donated and fixed a new trellis on the hut wall for a new climber.
Some repair works are being commissioned by the council including some paving areas and stonework.

The subject of memorial benches has come up following the council removing two wooden ones which had become damaged and considered beyond economic repair. This can be of concern to the families involved if lack of records mean they are not kept informed. New benches can be provided under arrangements with the council but if anyone has any concerns about the benches we can help make contact with the relevant department if needed.

The castle has been successfully opened twice a week for simple refreshments in a beautiful setting and a bit of history by our hard working volunteers throughout the summer months and we thank them and their “customers “ for all the donations they have collected towards the Friends funds. We will be winding this activity down as the weather gets cooler.

We held a small but enjoyable plant sale on the green on a sunny Sunday at the end of August alongside the Teign Makers craft event. Our thanks to all the makers for the opportunity to take part.

Everyone enjoyed the clay tile making workshops held over three days in mid August with Michelle Greenwood Brown and Alison Miles. This was the first step in creating the surface artwork for our ceramic seat project which will be installed in early summer 2022. It was a great community event and we would like to thank the artists for their very hard work.
Creative with Clay workshops are being held by Shaldon Pottery Studio on September 25th and 30th and October 15th and 24th at the Castle … have a go! See posters and here : 

We are planning an autumn event for children on Saturday 23 October so as not to clash with the village bonfire night. Please keep an eye on the gardeners hut blackboard and Facebook for details.

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