Adapted from the article in Shaldon Parish News March 2022 :

It’s been a generally mild start to the winter (as we write!) and the gardening volunteers have been numerous and busy, dividing and planting, clearing and mulching. Many of our newer plants will benefit and hopefully get nearer to showing off their best features.
The balustrade at the allotment end of the gardens suffered major damage from an unknown cause but the council were able to arrange a swift and skilful repair. A kind resident made a contribution towards the cost for which we are grateful.
The main pond has had a complete professional clean out and overhaul organised by the council which is great news. A few of the small fish have suffered a little from the disturbance but we are assured they will be fine. The lilies will regrow and the conditions should be much fresher for the wildlife.
The Parish council have done a marvellous job on a very helpful updating of the various signs around the village which indicate the routes up to the gardens.
They have also agreed to subsidise the council with a substantial portion of the gardening costs for another year.
Thanks from all of us to them for taking on these tasks and expenses .
We have arranged for a conservation engineer to visit and provide a report into the condition of the witch’s grotto and the long stone embankment near the castle. This is at the Friends expense and will enable us to identify what can be done to restore these features.
We are looking forward to opening up the castle again (dates and times to be decided) for informal refreshments. New volunteers will be welcome to expand this activity – if you have a day which would suit you for a few hours let us know. We hold it outdoors so long as that seems best for health considerations.
You can get in touch by email at
Our Facebook page is Friends of Homeyards Botanical Gardens in Shaldon .
Volunteer gardening continues on TUESDAYS weather permitting starting at 10 am . Meet at the gardeners hut with gloves if you can. Tools are provided. Various levels of activity. All welcome.
We have had a great response to our ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION request for which the forms were included with the Parish News February edition and your generous donations have been gratefully received thank you. Please complete and drop in with your donations to Bradley’s Estate Agents office in the main Shaldon village street if you would still like to subscribe, or you can subscribe online here.
Dates for your diary :-
Notice of our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held in the HUB (over 60s Club) Middle Street, Shaldon on WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH 2022 at 19.30. All welcome and your support is much appreciated.
EASTER EVENT for children – Tuesday 19th April 2-4.30 pm at the castle (free entry and activities).

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