We are pleased to hear that the Council have planned to paint the interior of the Castle to freshen it up for use in the summer months .

Dates for your diary –

19th April 2-4.30 pm : Children’s Easter Event at the Castle lawns to include free entry and activities including Craft Making Tables, Scavenger Hunt and Small Animal Encounters. We would like to thank the Shaldon Water Carnival committee for their kind sponsorship of the cost of professional entertainers.

18th May 1.30 to 4 pm : Devon Gardens Trust Visit and tour of the gardens. Tickets to non members £8 available via devongardenstrust.org.uk.

We are looking forward to opening up the castle again on Tuesday and Friday mornings from after Easter for informal refreshments.
New volunteers will be welcome to expand this activity, if you have a day which would suit you for a few hours let us know. We meet some lovely people and hold it outdoors so long as that seems best for health considerations.

Work on creating the new seat will start in early May.
The conservation engineer has made his visit and we await his report and advice on the Witch’s Cave and the long wall structures.

Volunteer gardening continues every TUESDAY morning, weather permitting, starting at 10 am. Meet at the gardeners hut with your own gloves if you can. Tools are provided. Various levels of involvement available. All welcome.

You can get in touch by email at  shaldonbotanicals@gmail.com.
Our Facebook page is at facebook.com/shaldonbotanicals.


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