Autumn Children’s Event

Autumn Children’s Event

Free Autumn Children’s event at the castle, Saturday 23rd October 2.30 – 4.30. Get ready for Halloween with craft making lanterns, masks, puppets. Scavenger hunt, plant your own bulb, biscuit decorating. Countryside ranger. Teas and drinks, bring a...
MacMillan Coffee Morning at the Castle

MacMillan Coffee Morning at the Castle

    On Friday 24th September on a lovely sunny morning Danielle Westlake held a coffee morning at the castle in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support raising a total of £500. Well done Danielle and thank you to all the cake bakers and helpers....

September Update

It’s been a lovely busy summer in the gardens with many visitors, artists and well-being groups and activities such as Pilates taking place. The Parish Council have kindly taken over the upgrading of the signage leading to the gardens from various points in the...

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