Our Blog
HLF bid submitted
Teignbridge has submitted the bid. Such a brief sentence to cover such a lot of research, investigation, planning, worrying, inspections and reporting by consultants, and all manner of events to encourage even more people to come and enjoy the gardens. On 2nd October...
Change to charitable status
The Gardens began life as Homeyards Botanical Gardens and are still known that way by Teignbridge. Much more recently when the Friends group was formed they chose to be Friends of Shaldon Botanical Gardens. Now we are pursuing a Heritage Lottery appeal which is...
Footfall survey
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the footfall survey at the Gardens on August 12th - 134 passed by the survey spot, 6 ran past, 44 were dog walkers and visitors included 3 groups of Germans and an American couple. Top comments for change to the Gardens...
Rare butterfly seen in the gardens
A keen lepidopterist has reported seeing a Black Swallowtail butterfly in the gardens in June near the pond. As this species is native to North America we are wondering if it has escaped from a collection, Buckfastleigh Butterfly Farm maybe? Any more reports of rare...
Italian Masquerade postponed
Although the weather forecast for the evening may be fine, the afternoon is predicted to have heavy rain and we can't risk laying electric cables across the gardens. With much regret we will have to postpone the Italian Masquerade, please hang on to your tickets as...
Evening work sessions
We've come to the end of the 3 month trial period of extended working hours on volunteer days. This was intended to give working families the opportunity to come along between 5 and 8 pm to work and maybe picnic afterwards. Members of our small group did their best to...
Shaldon Primary School working hard in Homeyards Botanical Gardens
30 Year 6’s came along to the Italian Garden at Homeyards Botanical Gardens last Tuesday 17th June. They worked hard all day clearing weeds from walls and paths, taking wheelbarrows to the composter, watering trees and sanding and painting benches. It was a really hot...
Coming soon – Italian Masquerade
Following closely on the heels of the amazing 25th anniversary Shaldon Festival we bring you more glorious music - in the open air. Saturday July 19th is Italian Masquerade day. Beginning in afternoon FunkyJunk mask crafting and leaning towers of pizza 3.00 - 5.00 pm,...
Italian Garden tidy-up
For the Botanical Gardeners this is the summer of the Italian Garden - specialist advisers have visited, inspected and commented in some detail. Armed with their advice and with new volunteers to join the regular working party our June work day turned into something...