Our Blog
Easter Fun in the Gardens
Shortly after he was introduced to the new local pastime of catching a bouncy egg in a small bucket, Councillor Clarance officially opened the fully restored rill garden. It was a beautiful sunny spring morning just right for photographing working councillors, egg...
Pond matters
Towards the end of winter we devoted a work session to cleaning out the planting pockets around the big pond, long impacted with reed, bramble, rose of sharon, honeysuckle etc. Every year we cut it down but this year the team took it out completely - probably the...
More storm damage
The high winds on St Valentine's Day have caused yet more damage. Another big pine tree near the castle has come down, damaging the retaining wall and a smaller tree in its path. Several trees have lost branches, one by the Witch's Cave and another near the allotments...
New compost bins
We now have a lovely new pair of compost bins which will help us recycle the garden prunings.
Storm damage clear up
As well as the Corsican Pine tree that came down by the castle, another smaller tree came down near the new planting by Horse Lane. Well done to Teignbridge staff for clearing this away so quickly and getting started on the big one too.
A Close Shave!
The violent storms over the last few days have claimed another casualty - a large Corsican Pine tree at the top of the gardens has come down just missing the castle by inches.
We Need Your Help …
New Planting
The last couple of months have seen the most profound change to the Botanical Gardens since Maria Homeyard's time. The removal of self-seeded trees in the Horse Lane area has opened up wonderful river views again and created the opportunity for mitigating planting. ...
Halloween Pics
Thank you to everybody who came to the Halloween in the Gardens event and to all those who helped. We hope you all enjoyed it, it was shown in the closing credits of BBC's Spotlight evening news programme!