Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings

We would like to wish all our members and supporters a Happy Christmas and all best wishes for the New Year in 2025. We hope you have a pleasant break. We are so grateful to you all for your continued support. Since we last wrote we have added a group of hebe...
July Update

July Update

  We hope you know about our castle openings on Tuesday and Friday mornings with our volunteers offering refreshments and a chance to see the lovely views and take in a bit of the history of the gardens. Our Facebook page and the gardeners hut blackboard show the...

March Update

We are pleased to hear that the Council have planned to paint the interior of the Castle to freshen it up for use in the summer months . Dates for your diary – 19th April 2-4.30 pm : Children’s Easter Event at the Castle lawns to include free entry and...

End of year update

The leaves have fallen and the trees are yielding up the estuary and sea views from the gardens in the low sun. We held a well attended Autumn event for children in the gardens based around the castle at the end of October. James and Jess Hedge ran a very popular...

September Update

It’s been a lovely busy summer in the gardens with many visitors, artists and well-being groups and activities such as Pilates taking place. The Parish Council have kindly taken over the upgrading of the signage leading to the gardens from various points in the...

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